Motorized use planning for our oldest and wildest National Forest
The Shoshone National Forest released its Environmental Assessment for their long-awaited Travel Management Plan on October 19th, 2021. In short, the plan proposes significant new motorized routes and trails while ignoring the illegal motorized use, enforcement capacity, and deferred maintenance concerns that have dominated public comment. The proposal adds four new large motorized loops on the Wind River District, the area of the forest with the most documented enforcement and maintenance issues. The new summer motorized trails would bisect Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRA's), a Wild and Scenic eligible River, and crucial wildlife habitat bordering the Fitzpatrick Wilderness. The winter travel plan grossly extends the open over-snow vehicle season from Nov 1 to June 15, and fails to protect the High Lakes Wilderness Study Area as required by the Wyoming Wilderness Act.
WWA’s volunteer Travel Monitoring Project documented motorized use concerns to help guide a responsible Travel Management Plan. The report highlights the Shoshone’s challenges maintaining and enforcing existing motorized routes, and demonstrates that more illegal motorized use occurs in areas with more motorized routes and loops.