The Cloud Peak Wilderness was first managed as the Cloud Peak Primitive Area as far back as 1932. Our current campaign is focused on building community education, cross-organizational collaboration, and stewardship programs to help maintain the striking alpine environment during the ever-increasing expansion of recreation.
WWA is currently in it's third year of working with the Bighorn National Forest to complete Rapid Campsite Assessments, where, with the help of volunteers, we have been able to help the FS gather twice as much data in half the time as their previous efforts.
Wyoming Wilderness Association would like to recognize that public wildlands are Native lands, and that more than twenty indigenous tribes are connected to Wyoming including, the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Lakota, Dakota and Nakota bands), Hinono’ei (Arapaho), Sáhniš (Arikara), Panati (Bannock), Niitsitapi (Blackfeet), Tsistsistas (Cheyenne), Apsaalooké (Crow), A'aninin (Gros Ventre), [Gáuigú (Kiowa), Nimi'ipuu (Nez Perce), Tukudeka (Sheep Eater), Newe (Shoshone) and Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute). These tribes were forcibly and often violently removed from the areas where Wyoming’s public wildlands and communities now exist.
Our main office is located in Sheridan, WY on land of the Apsaalooké, Tsistsistas, and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ people. The Sheridan area’s land was originally promised to be the reservation designated for the Northern Arapaho Band. This agreement was never confirmed or ratified, leaving the Northern Arapaho with no designated land for their reservation and placed indefinitely on the Shoshone Reservation, which is now the Wind River Indian Reservation.
We respect all native people’s historic, present, and future presence in Wyoming and across the country. Far too often native people are discussed as relics of the past, rather than vital members of living cultures with the ability to offer keystone perspectives and wisdom regarding a path forward. We value the indigenous commitment to land stewardship that has kept our wildernesses pristine for generations to enjoy, and acknowledge that the wildlands we protect today were far from vacant of a human presence before the anglo-american arrival. We seek the involvement and advocacy from Wyoming’s original land inhabitants and stewards in the work we do.
WWA would lastly like to admit that this land acknowledgement, as well as our commitment to engaging Native peoples in our work is far from perfect. We welcome and encourage all feedback and suggestions.
For more some great map resources about Native lands, check out these resources:
Bob & Carol Berry
Betty B. Baril Fund
Susan Bullock
Mike Campbell
Frances Clark
Eugenie Copp
Peter & Eva Crane
Betsy Denison
Jen Durning
Ann Harvey
Bruce Hayse
Liz Howell
Bronco & Botsy Jones
Dennis & Judy Knight
Lorraine G. Bonney Trust
Kevin & Judy Lund
Bernard McHugh
Edgar Morsman Jr.
Gilman & Margaret Ordway
Ken Overfield
Anne Pendergast
Story & William Resor
John Sisk
Douglas & Pegi Sobey
Jim & Kim Springer
Geoffrey Tennican
Joan Wallick
Wyoming Wilderness Association is proud and excited to bring you even more backcountry film festival (BCFF) this year!
BCFF is a production of Winter Wildlands Alliance, who work "to inspire and empower people to protect America’s wild snowscapes."
The mission of the BCFF is "to inspire the human-powered spirit through stories of activists, adventurers, and the outdoors."
So please join us at one of your local BCFF showings to get stoked on winter backcountry adventures and support your Wyoming public wildlands!
SNF signs Final Forest Plan and begins travel management planning with a focus on adding three motorized loop opportunities
SNF addresses unauthorized motorized use concerns. WWA serves on the Education and Compliance Working Group to produce
recommendations for the SNF
FALL 2017
SNF releases a minorly revised Proposed Action, and a new Travel Analysis Report with more roads “Likely Needed.”